
Each time I cross a milestone

I try n recall every place the sun shone

The one that moon lit

The one on which the stars glittered

The breeze with which came the sand, the dust and my eyelids flickered...

The time in tiny frocks- fun n frolic

The swing, the see-saw, the puppy-lick

That stupid running behind cows

Soiling hands in the dung

How furiously we would be whisked by mum...

A faint memory of a dad's joyful lift

Pulling his whiskers- a naughty kid.

A wishful thought

To my mind I brought-

...Nothing looks the same anymore!

A little hesitation

To ask for direction

In this town that no more looks the same

Everything has been smitten by fame

D cattle no more visit our lanes

They graze in the graveyards

Instead of meadows green in rain

I sit here admire... Lame...


  1. We have urgent requirement for Instructional Designers for mumbai location with exp 1 yr-10 yrs with JD as mentioned below.

    - Have a very good educational background

    - Have around 6 to 12 years of total experience

    - Have minimum 4+ years of strong experience of working as a Instructional Designer

    - Have strong Logical and Structural Thinking

    - Be able to understand Instructional Design theories and models and should effectively apply them to develop eLearning content

    - Be able to analyze Client Requirements, Assess Learner Profiles and Design teaching/learning Models .

    Please mail you resume at

  2. Hi Angelina,

    Thanks a lot for the offer.. but its just 2 months that i have become an Instructional designer.. Would be a bit reluctant for a job change as of now, while this one is giving me a good experience in this field.. Would definitely get in touch with you in future!
    Thakns again :)

  3. Greetings! How are you?

    I invite you to become a participant at Thursday Poets Rally Week 36…

    Enter your entry here if you are ready

    Hope to see you in, Happy Sunday, best wishes for the year of 2011.
    Bless you…


  4. thanks jingle.. :) sorry to get back so late.. will participate definitely :) wish u he same :)


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