
Showing posts from 2012

Being on wheels...!

"Life is a river they say. No matter what, a river always turns, goes through ups and downs and never stops to move on!” ‘Life cycles’, a documentary on cycling, is something that moved me a lot! This apparently was shared with me by my elder brother, an avid cyclist himself. Cycling didn’t happen to me just like that. I was always skeptical at the beginning; thought cycling was to be done only during school days. I’m grown up now, cycling would be just stupid! But no, it turned out to be more fun than earlier! Trust me when I say that, the moment you know your effort is making you go faster, become a kid again, cut through traffic and sweat all the anger out: All of that just makes you want to cycle more! The wind on your face feels much much better than that while riding an Activa! I was inspired by my brother’s stint and that’s how one fine day I got the bike out of the rubble, dusted off some cobwebs, oiled the chains, fixed the gears, bloated the tyres and made my m...

Being loved :)

Isn’t it nice to love and be loved back? One feeling to another as if jumping a track…   One door opens avenues of wonder The other simply allows me to maunder…   Remnants of past I dust away As beautiful flowers come my way…   Happiness whispers its giggles to me Overjoyed, I shake a leg, my mind free…   Refusing to turn around, I walk this new boulevard With a lot in mind, I plant new seeds in our secret yard… :)

Do think...

Somewhere lost in the sea of silence, I try to find the solace in you, I try to live the truth, and there I find me in you... I know I build the restlessness around us for some time... But your talk seizes the pressure every time… The wind goes still for a while… Oh that wouldn’t deter me to carry on for miles… But you know the fact.. I cannot go on for long with the same smile… I feel I’m rowing this boat a little too hard… But I'm probably thinking of too far! I’m sure the waves would lead us to the shore But me being me, I would still row… I know trivialities happen for a reason… But you know, with time, changes the season… Yes times do change, and so do thoughts, they say... A tiny ray of hope would still help me play… Along the crevices I will still follow your way, To help you think, if you may...